Products Office (All)

Oh no! This page hasn't got any content either! It's amazing you've clicked down this far into predictability really. Then again, this page does have an error message very slightly different to the rest, so you have been rewarded for your evident boredom.

Might I suggest a page higher up in the chain of links? There really are some delightful sofas.

Alternatively, click here to go home.

This is a sheer-design for Grain, © 2009.

We should probably point out for various legal reasons that all product images have been borrowed from Habitat, and that any comments made about said products is purely for undoubtedly hilarious space filling demonstration purposes. Grain is a fictional company, this site is a demonstration for design purposes, all content should be taken with a pinch of salt, and the design with a slice of lime and a Safari or Mozilla browser. Any other images are believed to be distributed under a Creative Commons licence, original authors quoted in page source where appropriate. Questions, comments, compliments or complaints should be directed this way.